How to wear stockings in the summer

It’s a little bit tricky but not impossible to wear stockings in the summer. Their fascinating and attractive aspect can be incorporated even during the hot months, if the right design is chosen. Combining them with some summery sexy garments, you can always stay fashionable and maintain the naughty look.

Pay attention to the different tones
In the summer you normally get tanned and need to be extra careful when picking the colour of stockings. The weather is perfect for beige stockings and if you are wondering about the tone, it’s always good to pick the colour that matches perfectly your skin on legs, hands and face in general. Sometimes you can wear even black stockings as well, when the weather is colder or rainy. Other untypical colours like red, white and grey can look nice in the summer next to the colourful fashion trends.

Explore heat friendly stockings

You should search for the lightest textures when the evenings are hotter than usual. There are many brands that offer extra light textures for avoiding the summer heats. The stockings give extra glowing aspect to the legs and are very useful even during the day. They never come out of fashion and have a special naughty vintage vibe that tends to add extra complicated look. Both stockings and leggings are very useful and can be used even for casual sporty activities in the park.

Beautiful young girl in a sexy lingerie

Make sure you choose the right clothes
When you wear stockings in the summer you should take extra care picking clothes. The different colours of stockings can be used in a way to be contrasting to a dress or matching perfectly. Depends on your mood and on the occasion what clothes and stockings you should choose. The beige stockings are the easiest to combine during the summer months and can match with every single garment. Wearing bolder colours you rather put accent on your feet and take away from the charm of a dress. Also, shoes are important part that normally should match with the stockings you’ve chosen to wear.

Having those ideas in mind you can try to wear stockings even when the weather is hotter than usual. Being careful and creative, you can experiment and introduce some fresh spirit to the summery looks. The right combination of nice stockings and clothes always leaves a lasting impression and variates the typical summer style.